Self Assessment
Is CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER Counseling with the Holy Spirit for you? Or, is CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER 12 week training for you?
Are you curious? Let’s explore your choices.
- Do you have the gift of counsel?
- Are you in a leadership role?
- Or do you feel called by God to this ministry?
- Are you curious and interested in this training – learning how to cooperate and work in partnership with the Holy Spirit to bring emotional healing not only for yourself and but to help others.
- Would you like to learn how to follow and communicate with the Holy Spirit to give you direction, purpose and practical understanding of how to cope with normal daily life stresses and challenges, relationships issues, job problems, loss, and so on?
- Would you like learn how to be an ‘overcomer’ living in a broken world, resisting those temptations to respond when you are offended, hurt, angry?
- Would you like to experience an interactive day-to-day relationship with Jesus through the power of His Holy Spirit?
If you are interested, CHRIST IN ACTION 12 week training sessions may be for you. Although, if you are looking for private counseling experience with the Holy Spirit, CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER training sessions will not be for you. You will learn about yourself in the CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER 12 week training sessions, but it will not fulfill requirements for personal healing.
Is CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER Counseling with the Holy Spirit for you?
When we come to Christ as our Savior, we don’t fully realize all the emotional baggage we are carrying with us. This emotional baggage remains heavy on our hearts and minds, and it weighs us down. These unresolved emotional struggles not only undermine us in life, but it hinders our peace, joy and love, and blocks us from fulfilling our potential in Christ. If this is so, would you like to be free to fulfill all that God has ordained for you?
We all have certain emotional challenges. I am looking for problems that have continued over the years such as feeling stuck in certain habits, attitudes and behaviors that interfere with one’s peace, joy, life satisfaction, or blocked you from fulfilling God’s purpose in your life. Let’s take a look at these following questions. Please circle either yes or no at the end of each question.
Are you too concerned or anxious that everyone should love and approve of you? If they don’t approve of you, do you feel rejected, bad, unlovable, angry, a failure, which hinders you too much of the time?
Yes or No
Do you believe that you should always be able to fix problems, be successful, and “on top of things,” and if you’re not, do you view yourself as a failure, inadequate or incompetent too often?
Yes or No
Do you experience anxiety/fear, feel depressed or have temper outbursts too often when things do not go the way you wanted and planned?
Yes or No
Do you often waste too much time worrying and procrastinating?
Yes or No
Do you have a bad habit that you tried to stop, but you can’t?
Yes or No
Often, when you make one mistake, do you believe it is all bad and you cannot accept the part of what you did do that was good?
Yes or No
Are you often impatient or critical of others and yourself too often?
Yes or No
Do you feel used by people too much of the time?
Yes or No
Do you have ongoing fears/anxieties or panic attacks?
Yes or No
Do you repeatedly get into unhealthy or abusive relationships?
Yes or No
Are you too fearful of getting close to someone, or making a commitment?
Yes or No
Do you compare yourself to others to prove you are inferior or superior too much of the time?
Yes or No
Do find yourself forgiving someone repeatedly, yet, you remain annoyed, frustrated, or angry?
Yes or No
Are you afraid to do new things which keeps you stuck?
Yes or No
Do you hide in the shadow of other peoples’ accomplishments too often?
Yes or No
Do your emotional struggles interfere with responsibilities in life too often?
Yes or No
If you choose yes to five or more questions, Christ In Action Prayer counseling and healing with the Holy Spirit might be for you. Please Click HERE for further information. (Click on the counseling tab)
The miraculous power of the Holy Spirit’s healing truth and peace restores the mind, and brings noticeable transformation in everyday life:
Hopelessness is transformed into hope;
Fear and anxiety are converted into calm and peace;
Anger and bitterness are turned into understanding and compassion;
Unforgiveness becomes forgiveness from the heart;
Familiar stressful situations are responded to with renewed inner strength;
Painful memories are now peaceful;
Bondages and oppression are transformed into freedom and liberty; and
Broken hearts are mended by the power of the Holy Spirit’s tender guidance, understanding, healing truth, and peace.